Facilitator's Note, 28 October 2019: Phase 1 Instructions
Welcome to Phase 1 of Trust CoLab. During this phase, we would like you to identify a number of 'drivers of change' that you feel could shape peoples’ health between now and 2040.
As you will see in the TrustCoLab site, we have created six categories for these drivers: (i) patient demand / behavior; (ii) politics and policy (iii) economics and business (iv) medical technologies; (v) other technologies; and (vi) environment. This should give you a broad canvas on which to contribute ideas.
We would like each of you to identify and submit a total of 2-3 drivers (irrespective of category). For each driver, please create a title and a short topline summary. We realize that you could probably write a lot more about each trend, but during the early phases, we are looking for quantity and breadth of ideas, rather than detail and depth. As I mentioned in the welcome note last week, please think broadly and globally about any and all drivers that could shape peoples’ health in future.
There is a likelihood that some of your driver contributions will overlap with other participants'. If someone has identified a driver that is almost exactly the one you thought of, then there is no need to duplicate – it’s better to suggest a different idea. But if you have a slightly distinct take on the issue, then please go ahead and contribute it. It's better for us to have more ideas to work with in the later phases of the process, so please don't self-edit too soon.
Please ensure that all your submissions are in by Sunday November 2.
I hope that this guidance proves useful. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks again for your time and ideas, and good luck in Phase 1.
Best wishes
Trust CoLab Facilitator